Merrimack Valley People for Peace
Serving the communities of the Merrimack Valley

2012 Highlights (see newsletters too)


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December 2012


Much support came for helping new Iraqi refugees.
November 2012

Veterans for Peace marched behind the official Boston Veterans Day parade. The Leftist Marching Band added optimism.

Stone Soup Supper. We watched a video about the origins of Gandi's movement in India.


October 2012

Keep Space for Peace vigil at Raytheon Oct. 11

Nonviolence Training led by Joanne Sheehan. Oct. 20. A presentation interesting enough to keep us indoors on a beautiful day.

September 2012

Bread and Roses Festival 100 years after the strike.

International Day of Peace Movie at Andover Unitarian Congregation. The Cats of Mirikitani. Many of us enjoyed being motivated by a film about a Japanese American who had been in the internment camps and painted about it until he was discovered after 9/11.

Boryana, with others, shared a table with the Andover Unitarians at Andover Day. Traffic was brisk enough to exhaust our supply of "Why we vigil" fliers. Music was good too.

August 2012

An August 6 Vigil commemorated the bombing of Hiroshima.

Cecil Pineda (author of Devil's Tango) spoke in Newburyport at the Jabberwocky Bookshop on August 8th. She updated us on the aftermath of Fukushima.

July 2012

We helped collect signatures for statewide petitions concerning
"Budget for All" and "Citizens United."

Our table at the Lowell Folk Festival had many visitors. Donations went to the Iraqi refugee funds.

June 2012

MVPP Annual Meeting

Some of us attended the presentation at Rolling Ridge by Dr. M. Thomas Thangaraj, June 26. He spoke about people from many religions working together to make peace between religions.

May 2012

The Verteran's for Peace Memorial Day tribute in Boston, reminded passers by that we need to care for those who risked so much for their country.

April 2012

4/14/12 Lowell instituted Iraqi Day with a flag ceremony.

4/14/12 Many of us attended Occupy's non-violent resistance training in Methuen.

4/22/12 Hattie and the "Shut It Down Affinity Group" had a big presence at VT Yankee, even getting the state government on their side. But the NRC won in court.


4/28/12 Dee attended the Teach-in on Iran. Many speakers contributed to a thorough look at what could lead to more war there. See the December-May newsletter to see her summary.


March 2012

Barbara and Niki took part in this year's Walk For a New Spring events, focusing on Seabrook and other nuclear plants.

Many of us marched in the Veterans for Peace alternative St.Patrick's Day Parade for Peace. As in the prior year, the crowd was supportive.


February 2012

Some of us attended the screening of Tom Jackson's video, Eyewitness Gaza, hosted by the Lawrence/Andover Quakers.


January 2012

After a rock was thrown through the window of the Iraqi restaruant, Babylon, Mary and Jim delivered flowers. Many from MVPP then dropped in for meals and visits.

Michael parrticipated in "Ocuupy the Courts" in Boston.

Some of us attended the Merrimack Valley Project convention in Lawrence. The theme was preventing foreclosures.



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Merrimack Valley People for Peace meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday,
at 7:30 pm,
at North Parish Church, North Andover.

Contact Merrimack Valley People for Peace       (978) 685-1389
            P.O. Box 573
            North Andover, MA 01845

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