Merrimack Valley People for Peace
Serving the communities of the Merrimack Valley

2017 Highlights (see newsletters too)


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December 2017 Vigil about gun violence at Andover's Hindu temple.
November 2017

Armistice Day memorial march and speeches.

Stone Soup Supper. David Rothhauser spoke and showed a movie about challenges Japan's Article 9, the part of the constitution that forbids military buildup.

October 2017

The Raytheon vigil joined Global Network's Keep Space for Peace week

Some watched the TV series on the Viet Nam war (Brian has the DVD)

September 2017

Our table was at the Bread and Roses Festival and Andover Days.

International Day of Peace event at the Boston Common:. Brian played bagpipes and Boryana had the table.

Mary Kate Small walked part of the Maine Peace Walk

August 2017

Our Hiroshima vigil was at Shawsheen square this year (being Sunday)

After the tragedy in Charlotsville VA, there were many events in Boston, Andover, and Lowell. Churches (especially Andover's UU minister Lara Hoke) rapidly put many people on the streets saying there is no place for hate.

July 2017 Hearing at the State House on the Anti-Boycott bill (July 18).Approximately 1/4 of attendees favored boycotting Israel for apartheid behavior.

Rolling Ridge Peace Conference: Dr. Robert Jonas, director of the Empty Bell, in Northampton,spoke of what various religions have to say about peace. (

June 2017

MVPP Annual Meeting. Rosemarie Buxton of Marrimack Valley Project reported about lobbying the state to protect immigrants, the Trust Act.

May 2017 The May Day Immigrants' rights march in Lawrence had at least 600 people, some from MVPP.

April 2017

Some of us added to the creative thousands at the Science rally and Climate rally.

Those flames represent global warming, but many thought they were "sister marches."

Could be...

March 2017
March 27. The Walk for a New Spring advocated to make Massachusetts a Sanctuary State, to protect immigrants. We fed hosted them.
See Eagle Tribune article, reprint on our website and press release
February 2017
January 2017

At our annual potluck, we watched a video We the People: The Market Basket Effect. We brought Market Basket foods.

Some of us went to the Million Womens Marches in Boston and DC. WOW!

We did not have a monthly business meeting.

On Jan 31, we hosted a panel presentation about the risks of nuclear war. At least 80 people listened to and questioned three speakers.
-Harvard professor Elaine Scarry updated facts, and noted that the presence of nuclear arms undermines constitutional rights.
-Washington Post writer, Dan Zac, highlighted the continuing history of resisting nuclear weapons, especially by the third speaker.
-Sister Megan Rice reminisced about her protests and incarceration, and introduced the idea of civil obedience: that the law that takes care of every one is what to obey.

See more:


Click for highlights in 2002 - 2003,  2004,  2005,  2006,  2007,  2008,  2009,  2010,  20112012,  2013,  2014, 2015,  2016,  ;2018  2019,  2020,  2021 2022,  2023,  2024


Merrimack Valley People for Peace meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday,
at 7:30 pm,
at North Parish Church, North Andover.

Contact Merrimack Valley People for Peace       (978) 685-1389
            P.O. Box 573
            North Andover, MA 01845

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