Merrimack Valley People for Peace
Serving the communities of the Merrimack Valley

2002 - 2003 Highlights

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September '02 MVPP members vigiled and petitioned at Rep. Meehan's Lawrence office.
Sean Donahue reported on his second trip to Columbia, supported by MVPP.

October '02 MVPP members joined NH Peace Action to protest Bush's Iraq policy at Manchester Bush fundraiser.
MVPP prepared 100 crosses for School of Americas protest, thanks to Arthur Brien & Mary Kate Small.
North Andover Citizen article on MVPP.

November '02 MVPP's Stone Soup fast raised $120 for Oxfam, thanks to Lois Fisher & Susan Manning.
MVPP members attended School of Americas protest at Fort Benning GA, brought MVPP crosses.
MVPP contributed $100 to legal defense of SOA civil disobedience participants.
Salem News published an article about MVPP's VP, Tom Gale's trip to Iraq with Veterans for Peace.
Lawrence Friends started their weekly vigil in Shawsheen Square.
MVPP joined Lawrence Friend's Shawsheen Square vigil.

January '03 MVPP held potluck fundraiser for UN Adopt a Minefield.
MVPP joined United for Justice and Peace.
MVPP joined North Parish Unitarian-Universalist Social Action Committee in Teach-In on Iraq.

February '03 MVPP members joined vigils in Lawrence and Reading.
MVPP featured in North Andover Citizen and Eagle Tribune articles.
MVPP prepared for protest in response to imminent Iraq war.
4 yr old's handmade sign
MVPP members attended NYC Iraq protest rally, the day after Valentines day.

This little girl from NYC had made her own sign.

March '03 MVPP members joined Andover Candlelight vigil.
MVPP members vigil at Rep. Meehan's Lawrence.
MVPP member: Masood Sheikh's letter protested Eagle Tribune pro war editorial.
MVPP members participated in peace vigils throughout the Merrimack Valley and Boston.
MVPP featured in Eagle Tribune article.
MVPP members joined Leverett Peace Pagoda's Wake Up Peace/Walk for a New Spring.
MVPP sent first aid and toiletry kits to Iraq through AFSC.
MVPP joined Boston peace rally.
MVPP member's "clip board" for CPAX and UJP.
MVPP members held first peace vigil in Wilmington.

Die in March 29. Boston

April '03 Boston Globe article featured MVPP.
MVPP and North Parish Social Action Committee held Families For Peaceful Tomorrows concert.
Five MVPP members had 'letters to the editor' published.

May '03 MVPP and Andover Group vigil at George Bush Sr. fundraiser at Phillips Academy.
MVPP members lobbied congressional representatives.
MVPP members attended UJP conference in Boston.
MVPP started Peace Flag project.

June '03 MVPP cosponsored Beverly "Too Many Guns, Not Enough Butter" with North Shore Coalition.
MVPP had tables at MA Democratic Issues Convention where we helped collect enough signatures to almost unanimously pass an Amendment against the Patriot Act & Preemptive War.

Marched in Hispanic Day parade in Lawrence, with the Lawrence 'Comite.'

July '03

MVPP members continued to vigil regularly, with increasingly positive responses.
MVPP sent books, Discounted Casualties to Reps. Martin Meehan and John Tierney.
MVPP ordered another 100 peace flags.
MVPP established our new website.
MVPP supported Jane Bernhardt’s trip to Hiroshima to interview survivors.

August '03 MVPP held a vigil commemorating the bombing at Hiroshima,
attended by 33 people.
MVPP ordered bumper stickers and buttons and revised and created handouts for table at vigils and special events.

September '03

MVPP had a table at Lawrence's Bread and Roses Festival

MVPP sponsored a "Circles of Hope" vigil in Andover on Sept 10th attended by at least 55 people.
MVPP sponsored a video presentation, "The Invisible War," concerning Depleted Uranium. Led by Dr. Dan Bishop.
A committed group of MVPP members have held almost daily vigils for 6 months now at Old Town Hall in Andover.

October '03 MVPP sponsored four bus tickets for the October 4th Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, to New York, and several MVPP members participated in the ride.

Five MVPP members rode on ANSWER and UJP buses to the march on Washington on Oct 25 to protest the occupation in Iraq. Ralph Galen invited remaining vigilers to present a skit at his Unitarian Universalist church in Andover that Sunday.

MVPP continued to vigil, with more and more positive responses, especially to our Saturday morning table at Old Town Hall in Andover

MVPP sent a contribution (of $100) to the Tony Van der Meer defense fund

November '03 Model of the Separation Wall in Israel/Palestine displayed at Saturday vigil, Old Town Hall Andover.

Stone Soup Dinner at monthly meeting, with presentation of Jane Bernhardt's paintings of Hiroshima survivors.

Thanksgiving day vigil at the Feaster Five event in Andover.

December '03 Many attended Noam Chomsky's talk, December 2, supporting the Massachusetts Anti-Corporate Clearinghouse. MVPP was one of the cosponsors, and had a table at the event.

MVPP members Mary Kate Small and Hattie Nestle, were among eleven arrested Dec 22 at BAE Headquarters in NH. Another arrested was protest veteran Ruth McKay, who is 84. BAE makes defense electronics under U.S. approved licenses and is the largest defense contractor in NH. Between 55-100 people protested while thousands of Christmas shoppers at the nearby mall saw the protest signs. The protest was endorsed by New Hampshire Peace Action, The Free Radical, Massachusetts Anti Corporate Clearing House, and NH Churchwomen United. Speakers included Bruce Gagnon and Arnie Alpert. Arraignment will be between Jan 14-16. All will plead not guilty. Trial Thurs. March 4, 1pm, Nashua District Court They will plead nolo contender, with a statement.

Click for highlights in  2004,  2005,  2006
 2007,  2008  2009  2010, 20112012201320142015 2016,  2017,  2018, 2019,  2020,  2021,  2022,  2023,  2024



Merrimack Valley People for Peace meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday,
at 7:30 pm,
at North Parish Church, North Andover.

Contact Merrimack Valley People for Peace       (978) 685-1389
            P.O. Box 573
            North Andover, MA 01845

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