Merrimack Valley People for Peace
Serving the communities of the Merrimack Valley

2023 Highlights (see newsletters too)


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December 2023  
November 2023

We held our annual Stone Soup Supper at Kathy's new house

October 2023

Keep Space for Peace vigil at Raytheon

After the October 7 Hamas invasion and Israeli responses we had signs seeking peace in Israel and Palestine.

Some of us attended hearings in North Andover about flying a Palestinian flag in the town common, after an Israeli flag had been flown. We were observers, except for Masood, not being from North Andover.The high school auditorium was full and passions were expressed, but there were some creative and useful presentations, and the community stayed together. The board decided that night to allow the Palestinian flag.

September 2023

Our table at the Bread and Roses Labor Day festival was in a new location on Lawrence's Campagnone Common.

August 2023 About ten of us held our Nagasaki vigil on Ag. 9 at the Old Andover Town Hall.
July 2023

Long time MVPP and social justice activist, Arthur Brien died at 93. He donated his body to Science. Services were held in August at his Our Lady of Good Council Church in Methuen.

MVPP had our table at the Lowell Folk Festival and talked to many passers by as they browsed and donated for pins, stickers, and literature. We survived the new rule of no tent, even when it rained.

Mass Peace Action, MAPA, is focusing on the statewide campaign around Raytheon's connections to Nuclear weapons.

June 2023

We joined Mass Peace Action's welcoming the Veterans for Peace boat, the Golden Rule, campaigning to stop nuclear testing and weapons.

MVPP's Annual Meeting was held at the Forest Street Union UCC church. Claire Schaeffer-Duffy from the Catholic Workers House in Worcester, described the dangers she saw at the big nuclear power plant captured in Ukraine, at Zaporizhzhia.

May 2023

We voted to officially join MAPA's Raytheon Campaign.

Kathy and Mark married!

Our Sunday vigil remembered the Nakba, May14, Israel taking Palestinians' homes in 1948, and still.

April 2023

big banner

March 2023

Masood was one of twelve, led by Sunny Robinson, who met with Rep. Moulton. They discussed Ukraine, nuclear weapons, Yemen , and Palestine, but were disappointed by his responses.

After another mass shooting, we sent a letter to government leaders, and the Eagle Tribune. see letter

February 2023

Masood was part of a protest at Rep. Seth Moulton's Salem, MA office, demanding to meet with the representative. Local media supported it, and they met the next month.

We heard Arthur Brien is in good spirits, though failing health.

January 2023

Masood reflected on current emergencies in his native Pakistan. Corrupt government is hindering help to flood victims.


Click for highlights in 2002 - 2003,  2004,  2005,  2006,  2007,  2008,  2009,  2010,  2011,  2012,  2013,  2014,  2015,  2016,  2017,  2018,  2019,  2020,  2021,  2022,    2024,


Merrimack Valley People for Peace meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday,
at 7:30 pm,
at North Parish Church, North Andover.

Contact Merrimack Valley People for Peace       (978) 685-1389
            P.O. Box 573
            North Andover, MA 01845

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