Merrimack Valley People for Peace
Serving the communities of the Merrimack Valley

2024 Highlights (see newsletters too)


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June 2024

Our annual meeting was held at Kathie's house.

May 2024

At our meeting, we committed to our summer activities: Lowell Folk Festival, Hiroshima remberance, and Bread and Roses.

Phil and Brian participated in the Veterans for Peace Memorial Day commemoration.

April 2024

Phil had a banner printed, derived from Picasso's Guernica. It brought positive and negative responses from cars passing at Raytheon.

We learned that there was a standout for an Israel/Hamas ceasefire in Lawrence, at Union and Canal Streets, 1st &3rd Sundays at noon.

Michael notified us that Veterans for Peace said Israel's illegal nuclear weapons and testing program makes it ineligible for any military aid or assistance from the US (The legislation passed soon after this anyway).

Ruth exposed to us how Social Security Supplemental Income Security (SSI), uses out of date criteria to cut off those it is supposed to support.

March 2024

Palestinians from Lowell joined the Raytheon vigil.

February 2024

Masood joined Palestinian and MAPA demonstrations locally and in Washington, DC.

January 2024

Vigils focused on preventing a massacre in Gaza.


Click for highlights in 2002 - 2003,  2004,  2005,  2006,  2007,  2008,  2009,  2010,  2011,  2012,  2013,  2014,  2015,  2016,  2017,  2018,  2019,  2020,  2021,  2022,  2023,  


Merrimack Valley People for Peace meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday,
at 7:30 pm,
at North Parish Church, North Andover.

Contact Merrimack Valley People for Peace       (978) 685-1389
            P.O. Box 573
            North Andover, MA 01845

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